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Evolution of Codex

In Latin, a caudex means a tree trunk. Some time before the 5th Century BC, the early Egyptians had invented a new method of writing which was more durable and more available than papyrus rolls. When the Western culture adopted this method of writing on blocks or parchments made from wood, they named it codex. Now, not many literature had the opportunity to survive the burden of time and therefore, by the late middle ages, the term codex was reserved for the most important official documents that were inscribed on heavy, durable sheets of parchment and often bounded by gold or silver bindings. And so the term came to be synonymous with “A book of the law”. Although it’s unclear when exactly the terms “program” and “code” became synonymous to the degree it is today, we can assume that it was some time before or after Lady Ada Lovelace authored the first program for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which she refered to only as “The Engine” at the time (and which, fun fact, wasn’t even complete at the time!), on calculating the Bernoulli numbers.

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